The Sunnyside Congregation History

The author and date of this historical sketch is not known.

 The Sunnyside Congregation was organized August 27th, 1899, enrolling thirteen members as the charter members.  These were Elder S. H. Miller and wife (deceased) their three daughters, Grace, Catherine, and Maude (deceased) and son-in-Law, Ed Blough, Elder D. B. Eby and wife, their son and daughter, Jacob and Maude, Benjamin Reber and wife and Sister O. S. Pratt.

Bro. J. U. G. Stiverson conducted the organization.  The officers constituting the organization were the following., Elder, D. B. Eby, clerk Catherine Miller, Treasurer, Jacob A. Eby, Solicitor, Sister O. S. Pratt, and Sister Maude Miller (deceased) church correspondent.  Brethren S. H. Miller and E. B. Eby were appointed to represent the new congregation at the ensuing District Meeting.

At the first council following he organization, dated January 38th, 1900, three were received by letter, viz, Bro. and Sister Larkins and Sister Lehman.

At the next quarterly council dated April 15th, 1900, the following members were received by letter., Brethren J. H. Smith, Otto Harris, Bro. and Sister Geo. Wise, Bro. and Sister Harrison, and Bro. and Sister Haughtelin.  Up to this time a number were also received by baptism.  Of this number, Brethren O. S. Pratt and B. F. Brooks were chosen trustees.  Elder D. B. Eby was also chosen delegate to Annual Meeting.

During the first year of  her history, the Sunnyside Congregation worshiped in a school building, holding a number of council meetings and her first love feast in this building.

In the year 1900, Brethren B. F. Brooks, J. H. Smith and Jacob A. Eby were called to the deacon’s office, and it was in the latter part of this year that the church decided and laid plans to erect a church house, which was begun about January 1901, and dedicated in June of the same year.  Following the dedication, was the organization of a Sunday School and Young People’s Meetings which have been perpetuated continuously to the present with a growing interest.  Two preaching services each Lord’s Day have been the rule also.  During this period of her history the church experienced increased activity and zeal, her membership growing both by letter and baptism.

  The latter part of 1901, the members living in North Yakima requested a separate organization, which request was granted.  The Rattlesnake Range constituting the boundary line on the north and one mile west of the Toppenish the west line.

In the early part of the 1902 the Sunnyside church incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington, by which her deacons and their successors were made the legal trustees.

The practices of holding a public collection the first Sunday in each month for the poor, was inaugurated during this year 1903.

The district Meeting was held in Sunnyside in the month of June of the above year.  At this time the self-supporting system was adopted by charging a certain price for meals as practiced by A. Meeting.

From the year 1903 to 1906, the church had a steady growth, though somewhat fluctuation in her membership, due mostly to emigration, Tho Satan and the world have exerted their pernicious influences and thereby caused some to return to their former bondage.  Not-with-standing these influences, a healthy, spiritual working body continues.  In August 1906 two of her faithful ones were called to the ministry, viz, E. Stanley Gregory and Jacob A. Eby.  A few weeks after their election they decided upon a better preparation for their high calling, and accordingly went to Bethany Bible School in Chicago, and spent two years in Bible study.  At the September council a month later, the following brethren, with their wives, were elected and installed into the deacon’s office, Geo. Dorman, Wm. Michkels, Dan Fink, Milton Oswalt.

At our last council held in January 1909, Jacob Eby and wife were advanced to the second degree of the ministry.

The church has enjoyed a series of meetings each year, with hardly any exception since her beginning.  Since her organization, the church has received by baptism the goodly number of sixty-five or seventy.  The total membership at the closing of this sketch is 90.

In justice to some who have not been before mentioned and who did active service for the church, we would name., Bro. T. J. Watkins and wife, C. F. Smith and wife, Walter Brunton and wife and C. A. Williams and wife. 

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